Week of Events
Monthly Embroidery Class
Monthly Embroidery Class
Fourth Monday of the Month Palm Beach Gardens Embroidery Class with Linda 10:30 am – 2:30 pm Class fee: $30 Supplies: Embroidery Machine in good working condition Hoop : 5x7 or 8x12 Pins: flat head Clothes pins or quilting clips Pink or blue tape Scissors, and snipes Stabilizer: Fabric like water soluble to fit [...]
Monthly Quilting Project with Linda Adamcik
Monthly Quilting Project with Linda Adamcik
4th Monday 0f the Month 12 Noon to 4 pm OR 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Description coming soon. Contact Linda Adamcik for supply list. Quiltingqueen1010@gmail.com 561-310-1363
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens Come in with your project and share ideas with other sewers! Every Thursday from 11 am to 3 pm
Case for Smiles Charity Sew
Case for Smiles Charity Sew
1st Friday of each month Time: 10:30am – 3:30pm Join Case for Smiles at Laura’s Sewing and sew up some smiles for the sick children at our local hospitals. Bring your machine or serger and come for the day or whatever your schedule will allow. There will be some kits precut ready to sew but we also [...]
Modern Quilt Guild
Modern Quilt Guild
Monthly, First Saturday of the Month 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Palm Beach Gardens Susan Skatoff 561-437-9734