Week of Events
Mastering IQ Designer
Mastering IQ Designer
Third Monday of the Month 10:30 - 12 Noon Lecture/Demo learning IQ Designer and My Design Center Book is recommended: Mastering IQ Designer - normally $249.99, sale price $199.99 Cost of Class - $5 Teacher: Colleen Bills colleenbills@bellsouth.net 561-632-2123
American Sewing Guild
American Sewing Guild
This is a meeting for members of the American Sewing Guild, lecture/demo and show and tells. You can come as a guest 2 times or become a member. Colleen Bills email:colleenbills@bellsouth.net
English Paper Piecing Class
English Paper Piecing Class
English Paper Piecing Class Palm Beach Gardens October 22, 2024 10:30 am - 3 pm Cost $40 Teacher: Leonora Suglio email: leas530@gmail.com phone: 941-204-3503
Lucies of the Evening Sewing Group (monthly)
Lucies of the Evening Sewing Group (monthly)
Please join us for fun and sharing, Hope to see you there. Teacher Jan Landry
Sip N Sew at Boca
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens Come in with your project and share ideas with other sewers! Every Thursday from 11 am to 3 pm
Kimberbell Cuties with Pat Cunningham
Kimberbell Cuties with Pat Cunningham
Fourth Friday of the month 10:30 am - 3:30 pm Class Fee - $25 In the Hoop embroidered table toppers featuring fun techniques. Each topper measures 22" x 22" and each topper is unique to that month. Uses 5 x 7 hoop or larger Book is required: Kimberbell Cuties, Vol. 2, July - December. Teacher:: [...]
Leonora’s Bag Class
Leonora’s Bag Class
4th Friday of the Month at Boca Raton, Class will start at 11:00am. Price for this class is $45. Supply kit: $15 My contact information is Leonora Suglio Leas530@gmail.com 941-204-3503