Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens Come in with your project and share ideas with other sewers! Every Thursday from 11 am to 3 pm
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens Come in with your project and share ideas with other sewers! Every Thursday from 11 am to 3 pm
First Friday of the Month 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm in Boca Raton Neighborhood Group Leaders: Roseanne Costa -; 561-276-1711 Ann Reardon - 561-706-0625
Monthly, First Saturday of the Month 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Palm Beach Gardens Susan Skatoff 561-437-9734
Serger Make and Take - create a full project every month 2nd Wednesday of the Month Cost $35, kit provided. Reservations are required. Requests can be made be text at 772-370-2193 or email Teacher:Â Puddin Race email:Â Telephone:Â 772-370-2193
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens Come in with your project and share ideas with other sewers! Every Thursday from 11 am to 3 pm
Third Monday of the Month 10:30 - 11:30 am Attend a free lecture/demo on IQ Designer the third Monday of the month in Palm Beach Gardens. Teacher:Â Colleen Bills Call the store to register:Â 561-799-5228
In the Hoop Embroidery Palm Beach Gardens Recurring Third Wednesday of the Month Teacher:Â Susan Llorens 561-301-9569 Contact Susan for details
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens Come in with your project and share ideas with other sewers! Every Thursday from 11 am to 3 pm
3rd Friday of each month  Time: 10:30am – 3:30pm Join Case for Smiles at Laura’s Sewing and sew up some smiles for the sick children at our local hospitals. Bring your machine or serger  and come for the day or whatever your schedule will allow.  There will be some kits precut ready to sew but we also need [...]
Beginning Sewing Classes for kids 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Teacher: Leonora Suglio Call 941-204-3503 or email 3rd Saturday of the month
Fourth Monday of the Month Palm Beach Gardens Embroidery Class with Linda 10:30 am – 2:30 pm Class fee:  $30 Free Standing Lace Large Angel Hoop Size: 5 x 7″ or 6 x 10" Thread: gold, and gold bobbin Stabilizer: washaway to fit hoop Notions: Scissors and snips Teacher:  Linda Cutting Phone: 561-523-9419 Teacher: Linda [...]
Scan N Cut Start-Up -- Open your box and set up your scan n cut machine. Learn what you need to know about your cutting machine, Bring your machine and everything that came with it to class, 4th Monday of the month 1 pm - 3 pm Cost - $35 Teacher: Margaret Starr 954-821-1314 [...]
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens Come in with your project and share ideas with other sewers! Every Thursday from 11 am to 3 pm
Fourth Friday of the month 10:30 am - 3:30 pm Class Fee - $25 In the Hoop embroidered table toppers featuring fun techniques. Each topper measures 22" x 22" and each topper is unique to that month. Uses 5 x 7 hoop or larger Book is required: Kimberbell Cuties, Vol. 2, July - December. Teacher:: [...]
4th Friday of the Month at Boca Raton, Class will start at 11:00am. Price for this class is $45. Supply kit: $15 My contact information is Leonora Suglio 941-204-3503
Beginning Sewing Classes 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Teacher: Leonora Suglio Call 941-204-3503 or email 4th Saturday of the month
Every 5th Wednesday Painting and coloring on fabric class Palm Beach Gardens- No Fee for class 11 am - 2 pm Margaret Starr 954-821-1314
Brother/Babylock Sewing/Embroidery Club with IQ Designer/My Design Center BONUS EDITION -Â Â ONLY HELD ON THE FIFTH WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Lecture/Demo Free This club will have show and tell, fun and games and instruction of a project every month on your beautiful sewing/embroidery machine. You don't want to miss out on this, you will learn [...]